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Research on the distribution of radiolabeled test compounds in animals is an important part of many companies' preclinical drug development programs. The data obtained from these studies generally form the basis for evaluating the exposure of human organs and tissues to the test compound and the removal of residues/metabolites from those organs and tissues after drug administration. The data can also provide pharmacokinetic information about the specific binding or selective affinity of the test compound or its metabolites to tissues or organs. The data may provide some indications about the potential toxicological and pharmacological sites of action.

Creative Bioarray has experience in conducting single or repeated dose radiolabeled tissue distribution studies using tissue dissection or quantitative whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) methods to meet the sensitivity and specificity required for a comprehensive ADME program. These methods are used with small molecules, large molecules, polymers, and conjugates for the following:

  • Provide the time course of drug-related material in blood and tissues
  • Determine the involvement of target organs
  • Show the regional distribution of radioactivity in organs and tissues
  • Identify sites of accumulation of drug-related material
  • Provide dosimetry data for assessing human radiological exposure calculations

Creative Bioarray can support you in procuring this information by effectively designing, performing traditional tissue dissection or QWBA as part of our preclinical drug metabolism services. Our team has expertise in the radioisotope industry. They have the capabilities to work with not only 14C- and 3H-labeled compounds but also other isotopes to accommodate in vivo ADME studies of antibodies, peptides, and nucleotides.

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